Leads Kart


Our Services

Lead Generation

Find potential customers instantly Whether you are a Real Estate developer, Wedding Planner ,Caterers, Educational planner, caterer, educational institute, or any establishment and looking for Genuine and authentic Leads. we will help you get straight in touch with your most ideal prospect by providing their leads using Digital Marketing tools and AI.

Social Media Marketing

Your social media pages can help establish the desired brand identity, create brand affinity, increase stakeholder engagement


Our five-step process to SEO ensures that your business gets the most out of our services. Although, when it comes to SEO, every business will get more Engage

Google Ads

✔ Google Ad Account Setup
✔ Keyword Planning
✔ Landing Page Analysis & Report Quality Score Analysis
✔ Bid & Budget Strategy Preparation
✓ Competition Analysis Market Survey
✓ Search, Call & Display Ad-Setup
✓ Daily, Weekly & Monthly Report ✓Conversion Tracking
✓ Google Ads Re-Targetting Display Ad Creative (upto 5) Telephonic Consultation with Project Head
✔ Google My Business Setup

Website Services

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